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The Logistics of Spiritual Warfare- by Pam Clark
A lady had a symbolic dream where she was in a spiritual battle. She
dreamed she was in a Christian bookstore and it was empty and that there
was only one person left, who lay dying all dressed in black on the floor. When she looked into the eyes of this young man, she saw only evil and felt a horrible evil presence trying to take over even her. She only wanted to help the young man and show him Jesus, but he was not open to it. The whole area seemed desolate from the Presence of God with even him trying to attack her as he lay dying. She cried out for Jesus, but had great difficulty, even getting the word of His Name out of her mouth. She wondered what it meant and why it was so difficult. She did get it out and found her deliverance, but was troubled by it. Much of this letter is my response to her that I am also sharing with you. We are in a spiritual battle. Many don't want to hear it, but we are. Many have had similar experience encounters where it feels and seems you are powerless and drained in confrontation with the enemy. It's an attack on one's faith. (Remember the parable of the sower. The seed is the Word that brings faith which gives life.) It's vital to know and learn how the enemy operates. The enemy hates God, wanted to be "as God" and tried to take over God. It didn't work. There is a spiritual progression that gets people into a position of being possessed or overtaken by sin and evil spirits. First, there is a temptation which brings a fascination with something that someone knows they should not be involved with. This is where God's people truly perish for a lack of proper knowledge and understanding. God has given us His Word and made mankind accountable for his (our) brethren and our children. God's Word is in the earth and mankind is accountable, for there is no mistaking His Presence in Creation which speaks of Him.
Romans 1: After a fascination with sin, especially with things like the occult and witchcraft or drugs or sexual sin, a type of transformation takes place that usually leads to a personality change for the worse. Afterward comes an oppression, then depression, then then obcession, then possession. Usually up to obcession, a person can deliver themselves with effort, but each level gets more difficult. If the person allows the sin to get to possession, it will take someone else to work their deliverance, and that is IF they can find someone who knows how and who will. The enemy will not give up his victims easily and it is usually a pretty distasteful battle. And then there are some who just do not really want to give their heart to God. Why? I do not know, God is so good. They can get deliverance, but these are the ones whom the enemy comes back seven times stronger and dwells, because the person does not welcome and make home the Holy Spirit in their lives. This is why our witness of God's love is so important -- to make people want their deliverances. Some do want deliverance, but have opened a door in their lives, or a door was forced upon them against their will, and the struggle is intense. This is where discerning of spirits is vital. Just playing around can many times only make things worse. But God will bring deliverance to those who cry out. If the struggle is intense, it only makes the person stronger, and the glory of God in that person becomes great. Some afflictions are for the glory of God. They come from the evil one, but God has faith in the person that the evil can be overcome, IF we will do what we are supposed to do. The enemy hates the Christian, anhilates them if he can, and then destroys his own. He has no regard even for his own workers, which makes them real fools. We just have to know God is real no matter how hard the hit or attack. If a person has Jesus in their heart, that righteous Seed of Him is in them and that Seed can overcome the world, the flesh and the devil. I often say that dealing with some spirits is like being around a heater. The closer you get to it, the more you feel the sensation of the heat, you get warm and then hotter and hotter the closer you get, and you can get burned! If it's a demon spirit, you can feel the anger, rage, lust, unjust spirit of whatever kind, defilement, scorn, mockery, hatred, disrespect, jealousy, lying, and the list can go on and on. The closer you get to that evil spirit, the more you feel those feelings because of its presence and sometimes you can think they are your own! As was shared, fascination can lead to oppression and control and more. When oppressed, the best thing you can do, if at all possible, is to get away from the oppression into a place of praise and worship. If that Seed of righteousness is in you, and I am speaking of Jesus, then those spirits do not belong to you but they will war for you. You have to get into the plan and Spirit of God to get deliverance. It takes every part of the Body to work it for the whole Body. This is why assemblying together is important for the Body. We belong to one another and survive by what every joint (part) supplies. All are needed and necessary. Sometimes you go into the enemy's territory, sometimes the enemy is coming to you in the warfare. (No one really wants to hear that, but you can see it on a big scale in world events.) If people really take territory for God, they can rally when the enemy comes in or go on offense. But only when true justice is there will God's Presence be present. It's so obvious the hedges are coming down in America where there was once a much greater stronghold for the Lord. When ministers lie for the Lord and forsake His Presence, the hedges come down. Just because people sing, shout, dance and make noise, does not mean they honor His Presence. He looks at the heart and for the fulfillment of the First Commandment. Little demons are easy to run off. The bigger ones are a challenge and can need Godly agreement to overcome, and the really big ones need the high strategy plan(s) of God. When you are dealing with witchcraft and false gods of worship, then you really do need agreement. Some negative prophecies are only the plans and strategies of the enemy. We must be so careful and cautious, but not fearful. Love casts out fear, so we must KNOW the Giver of Life! When people "prophesy" that God is cursing, it may not be God but a false word. God spoke by prophets in times past, but in these days He speaks by His Son. He has called a five fold ministry which includes prophets, but they should reflect all the grace of Jesus, not an exalted position for themselves. When the Body of Christ really comes together, our power will be awesome. Our unity in purity will display His Glory. What people don't realize is that when God lifts His Presence, as He did in this dream, we come into a place without God and evil triumphs. You can feel different spirits in different territories where God is honored or not honored. When we do not honor God, when we insult and offend Him, individuals or types of groups of people in unity, then the hedges come down and the evil has free reign. The only way to lift the hedge back up is to honor God once again. It is not just going to an area and cleaning out what happened years and years ago. There is some validity to that because of generational curses, strongholds that are passed down by familiar spirits, but salvation is TODAY. It is lifting up the Name and Presence of Jesus today! If there are any evil spirits, they will usually manifest and leave, especially if commanded. The enemy hates the Spirit of God and be not deceived, God's Spirit forever will be greater than the evil one just as light overcomes darkness, but there are intensities of spirits. God is looking at the people who are there TODAY, for it is appointed unto man ONCE to die and then after that, the judgment. It's YOUR heart that God is looking at. He is not asking your advice in His Final Judgment. But He does obviously see all that is involved. Know that He is fair and good. Not only do we need the armour of the Spirit, but we also need to know our Spiritual weapons. The enemy has spiritual weapons, whether we acknowledge it or not. This is what those in occultic witchcraft tap into. There is also manipulative witchcraft which can be organized for unity. But God has a Book, His Word, which has the help we need, along with the imparted rhema (His current spoken proceeding Word) to Body of Christ, and who can, by the power and obedience to Him in unity in the faith, by the exponential power of agreement, overcome many many odds against us, and ultimately, all of them, as we give our full allegiance to the Son of the Living God, Jesus, God's Son, the Christ, who came in the flesh, who died on a Cross for the remission of our sins and rose again with power over death, hell and the grave by the power of His Holy Spirit. He did all this for you. Because He lives, we will also. Many Blessings, Pam Clark