by Pam Clark

Many people are hungry to know the will of God for their lives, and wonder how to do it. Finding the will of God can come in any number of ways, but getting the revelation is something that speaks to your heart, your core, that drives even your will with excitement and motivation, even to struggle, fight for and pursue it.

Sometimes we are motivated by an injustice to be a part of the solution. Sometimes we just have a strong burning desire to see something accomplished. Sometimes we just have a passion that goes beyond the natural in an area, and it's what people call "your thing." It drives you, it motivates you. But if it is truly God's will, it will make you stretch and reach and even be willing to suffer for it.

Proverbs 4:23 says: "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life."

We cannot really know God well at all without knowing His Scriptures. We can see a lot of God by observing His Creation, but He wants more than that. He wants us to know His Personality and the only way we can do that is to know His Scriptures and gain understanding. And one thing I have learned is that it takes other people to help you understand them. It's a great treasure hunt but He set it up so that we would need other people in this big Body of Christ to help us.

Through the Scriptures and prayer and people, this big world we live in can start making beneficial sense. I see so many frustrated people who want to tell God how it ought to be done. Been there myself. But you can kick that wall the rest of your life, and it won't come down. Life and liberty and true happiness comes in learning the Great Designer's way.

Often we do hear John 3:16 as the key of unlocking the door of salvation and it is. Guilt will stop us from finding God's perfect will. We really cannot pursue more with issues hanging over our heads. We need to deal with the isssues and find out where we missed the mark in God's Plan.

His will is for us, that is why He sent Jesus as a sacrifice for us for every area of life. And without the proper foundation, we cannot properly build. We may get real busy, but things can shake us, so we need a strong foundation in our lives.

We can start with "I am here because God created me." And that is a very good start. God wants you here! But then after that revelation, we must realize that there is an accountability for our will because without that, we will not understand why there are evils in the world.

And when we contemplate that, we will more and more see the big scope of what is going on. Without God's Word, we can't handle it. There are many brilliant minds but peace only comes through the Living Word of Jesus Christ. And I've personally looked.

Usually our biggest problem is us. We limit ourselves by not seeing a bigger picture or by not being diligent. How many felt guilt when your read that? Is it justified? You can overcome guilt through Jesus. If you believe God is for you, then you will believe He is willing to help you and the Good News is that He is!

If you don't believe that He is for you, then you need to deal with the sin issues in your life because something is blocking you from believing He is for you. You are either at emnity as His enemy or you are for Him! And if you are for Him, you will get along and you can accept His goodness and see the bigger picture.

Are there unfair and unjustified things? Yes. Especially from our limited standpoint, but that view of that is based on a one person limited understanding and our vulnerability as sensitive, limited, delicate creatures who have the capacity for sin because you have the choice to serve Him or not.

When you submit to God you will find that not only does He have a plan and solution for evil, but you get to be a part of it! And in that, you will know His pleasure.

It took me years to find God's will for my life, but doors of understanding flew open as I began to read His Scriptures and get involved in the Church. I learned that the Church is much bigger than the four walls of the local fellowship, but that I needed the local to pursue the big. You can't get out of it.

You need accountability and family life. Some are needy and need help. You need bravery and help to understand and find your way and you need to understand that God is building HIS CHURCH from generations past. He is not starting a new thing. He has had a Plan for Creation working since the beginning of time.

When all the world sinned and only Noah was left as a man who had faith, God had him build an Ark that saved His family while He preserved the world through a flood. (Read Genesis 6 for the account.) When people come up with strange ideas, just realize that is what they are.

Today the Plan is through the revelation of God's sent and sacrificed Son Jesus Christ. The word "Christ" means anointed, which means that He is more than just a "man." He is supernaturally enabled by Heaven. Jesus came with an anointing of power that will change our lives and world if we will learn His way of doing it. That's the Plan going on now. It will be fulfilled.

How do we overcome the world, the flesh (our self that fights good and God) and the devil? Through the Anointed One and His Anointing. His way of doing things works.

How do we get started? Hebrews 11:6 says: "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."

First of all we want to please God. We must celebrate our creation and and acknowledge Him as the Creator. He created and planned a whole big world for us!!! HE gave us the Scriptures and the Church.

Get that vision opened! You have a big life! And then be diligent to pursue and expect His rewards. You may be surprised at how much He loves you! He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and He came to give that Life abundantly.