It was insulting to this Christian. There was no real remorse or apologies, even. After knowing something was wrong and pursuing it, it was finally admitted that "the hard drive just went down and dumped the emails" and there was no back up (as there should have been) nor were any attempts planned for retrievals. (Another tech said it was possible, just expensive.) But then after being told that it was fixed, she found out it still wasn't, and the company just nonchalantly said there were no problem and didn't seem to even care! Bizarre!
Extremely upset, she changed web host servers and grieved over the losses. "Lord, I know You said that all things work together for good, but what good could possibly come out of this???"
And then a Christian brother, a List member from the Trumpet Wind Ministries Prophetic Email List (through wrote:
This may seem a bit out of the ordinary but I thought I'd throw it out for
you to kick around. The Word says that everywhere we place our feet we are to take for the
Kingdom of God - why not the internet?
What if a date and time was set that would accommodate as many people as
possible around the world to anoint their computer and network cable (or
phone line), lay hands on the cable or phone line and pray a deliverance
prayer over the internet and claim it for the Lord Jesus? We would bind
the enemy from disrupting Christian communications and pray for confusion
amongst the ranks of the enemy involved in the internet at all levels
(Christian sites, porn sites, etc.). A prayer of unity from all around the
world I believe will do miracles and open doors for the captives of the
enemy to enter in to Christian web sites where they have been blinded from
in the past.
As I am typing this I am getting a pretty strong witness in my spirit
about it. Please pray about it. The Lord has very often given me strategies for
how to proceed in taking back land from the enemy. This may be one of
those times. I submit this to you for an accountability check.
In His Service,
Hi Pam,
Thomas Lawrence
In deciding this prayer focus was the way to go, she thought for a good common time for everyone to pray, but knowing that the almost 1400 List members spanned the globe and all lived in different time zones, she got inspired to pick the even hours as brief prayer target times for the good and healed unhindered Christian communications. It was definitely a need in many ways that needed to be met, in many respects!!!
She decided to call it "The Even So Prayer Watch" to be reminded to pray on the even hours of the day, and, for the last prayer in the book of Revelation, "Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!" How we need His Kingdom to come and for His will to be done, and how we should pray that way, as we were taught by Jesus Himself when He was on earth.
Aren't we commissioned to get the Gospel out and live a life that communicates the spirit of the Gospel of Love? But how often does the enemy attack and pollute and sabotoge family and personal relationship communications, ministry endeavors, radio, televison, public speaking, even audio equipment, computers, the internet, telephone lines and publishing? The enemy has a real plan going to destroy communication efforts with everything that he can and it's working!!! It must stop!!!
As Pam ran out to do errands and was thinking about starting to notice the even hours of the day to pray, she also thought about the odd hours. What about the odd hours? Should something be considered for that? And as she pondered it, she thought, "What else does satan hit hard as he does communications? Finances!"
Many true and Godly Christians are in desperate need! Many ministries and people want to do so much more than they are, but finances hold them back! Why not use the odd hours to lift up the financial needs of all true Christians around the world, knowing that many others are also doing the same thing! What an effect! What a double whammy in the heavenlies. As one time zone is praying for communications, the other is praying for the Christians' finances!
Is there ever a last days prayer more needed??? The beautiful thing about this is that it does not have to be long prayers, but can just be when you happen to notice the time and have a free mind moment to quickly lift up a prayer request to the Lord, like Pam did while driving home from the grocery store. As we get in the habit of doing this during our day, so much can be changed for all Christians globally!
How the prayers for real, good and positive Christian communications can bring unity in the Body of Christ! How this would please Him who blessed us through John 17:21 and Psalm 133.
How much do we struggle now with it? And how wonderful for Christians to have enough money to meet the daily and ministry needs can make a difference!!! Single mothers, needy families, infirmed Christians who are limited in what they can afford, inspired ministers, the needs list could go on and on, but God knows better than we do as to what we need. Why should the world have it?
What a beautiful symphony for God to hear His children cry out for others on their behalf. And you know when we pray for others, it will come back to bless us!
And thus is the birth of "The Even So Prayer Watch." Everyone can do it! There is no legalism or bondage to it. Just when you think of it and notice the time, lift these needs up accordingly to our God. How it can change things in our lives.
An example prayer that could be quickly lifted up could be: "Lord I lift up the Body of Christ to you right now, these precious people who have accepted You, and who desire for your good will and communications to go forth clearly, concisely and truthfully, unhindered and unaltered, and in the understood Spirit of Your Love. I join with other Christians in binding the attacks and evil plans of the enemy against them that affects all the Body of Your people in distorting and preventing these Godly heartfelt communications and the means in which they operate, and send them back to the enemy in the Name of Jesus." You could also think of different ways things are communicated and lift that up.
For the finances, you can pray: "Lord I lift up Your Body to You for the release of finances and other needs that Your Body has and needs to live and do and walk in the things that You have called them to do and walk in for quality Christian life. I am in agreement with Christians all around the world right now for these blessings and provisions to be released into their lives. We stand together and bind the enemy from any and all of his plans and attacks that would prevent Your people from having their needs met. In faith we expect to see great results from these united prayers and pray in Jesus' Name, Amen." And as people and things come to mind that relate to personal and ministry needs this way, you can lift them up! It's so easy!
I strongly encourage you to get your family and friends and churches and ministries involved in this prayer watch. Print this out and pass it on! It is time for HIS good Kingdom to come and HIS good will to be done, on earth, as it is done in Heaven.
Even so, Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
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