It’s Time to Arise!
by Pam ClarkA Prophetic Word for Houston and beyond...
There are many like me in this middle generation of life, the 30-somethings to 50-somethings, who have waited a long time to be used by God. Many have seen a move of God in the past, and came in under that move, and have been quietly waiting and preparing for God to use us in the way He promised us He would when that move was here.Many have been very active already, and doing things, but still do not feel that they have come into the full destiny that was placed in their heart. As we watch the younger generation, we are moved, because we know they are looking up to us as their predecessors, just as we have looked up to ours. In every generation, there are some who feel blessed by their forebears and some who feel cheated. We can see and feel these same emotions in what is called Generation X today. As Christians, we know that X is really the Cross of Christ! Our God is the Resurrection and the Life and you can’t kill Him! Neither will this generation be defeated. God does not have separate moves. The Fountain began flowing on the day of Pentecost, two thousand years ago when the Church began. It never stopped and then started again in separate moves or places. We are all joined together in God’s Spirit. We do have revivals and awakenings. These are caused by willing vessels that are open to receive from God His Spirit for their generation and time, whatever generation that might be! And so now, it is our time. God is moving by His Spirit in this city once again. It is desperately needed. He is not just moving by evangelism, but He is moving in the Church, reviving and awakening His people! When God’s Spirit moves in the Church like this, the backsliders will feel it, sense it, and come back in. They will not want to miss out on the healing balm of Gilead for their soul. They will not want to miss the Saviour of the world. There are many who feel that they have missed God because of evil circumstances. The efforts that they knew to do just weren’t enough and they felt they lost out. The Lord says in His Word that “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.” But the good news is that when a move of God comes to town, God will bypass many of the evil circumstances to reach His people. Walking with God is a two-part thing. There is His part and there is your part. When people care enough to pray, when God sees His True Body crying out for all its members in its fullness and wholeness, God is touched by that, and He will stretch out His Hand in His time and in His way to reach you and me. God is reaching again toward us now. Many have been faithful and loyal and maintained. They deserve our thanks. But God is not dead, He can and is well able to move by His Spirit. You don’t want to miss it!