A Serious Question
from an Honest Christian


The Lord has used me on several occasions in the word of knowledge, healing, and prophetic messages. Since last July, it has gradually and has progressively intensified.

I noticed that as I pray for others, there is such power that my body is literally shaken, jerked, sometimes thrown to the floor.  Other times, I get such a spiritual-type agony in my stomach that it doubles me over.

I have never seen or heard of this. I know it is not of my doing. I would not want to draw attention to myself.  I have even begun to hesitate to pray for others because of the unusual manifestations.

Have you ever witnessed or experienced anything like this?  I am searching for a biblical explanation.


Yes, I have heard of and seen this.  You are so wise to seek for a Bible witness. I have an article on my site (Called Questions about Toronto) that says a lot of what I think about it.

I do believe that God can give unusual manifestations, but when the spirit of self control is not there (Galatians 5:23) then I question its benefit.

I have had holy laughter and even trembled in the presence of the Lord and seen others do it even more so.  If I am better for the experience and/or the others are, then ok.  But the Kingdom of God is not about manifestations but of lives changed for living righteously and victoriously unto God, which is destroying the works of the devil and giving God true glory in everyday life (not just organizing His life and works).

I have felt power surges of the Holy Spirit that have caused me to cry out and bend over (in a spirit of travailing prayer) and even had a jerk that did not possess me--in other words, it was a response, but it did not control me.  Perhaps (with discernment) that is what is going on.

God knows more than we do sometimes about what we need just as it can seem doctors do unusual treatments to correct our bodies for our health's sake. But there are also quacks who have weird treatments that do no good and will sometimes harm. It is why we have licensed medical people and licensed ministry.

But if the power cannot be harnessed effectively, it is like having uncontrolled electricity--it can electrocute and harm. Wind and fire and water is good if used properly.  But too much not harnessed correctly is destructive. Even too much of the Spirit can be more than individuals can take and still stand and talk (there are many Bible examples of this).

We need power to force out the clogs in the system sometimes, but then it needs to be channeled in useful ways to the glory of God and for the benefit of mankind. Sometimes God allows the unusual (like the Spiritual gift of tongues or being drunk with the joy) to manifest, but then later you see the Apostle Paul saying, "Be sober and be vigilant," because of our adversary who seeks to kill, steal and destroy.

Then, was what happened on the Day of Pentecost not of God? Absolutely not. It was very much of God. And we still see some of that manifestation today, but people who go into a spirit of uncontrol are giving themselves over to another spirit that is not the spirit God has given. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind [or self-control]."

A lot of people get upset with me because I won't lump it all one way or the other but say that people need to pray and ask God for His gift of discerning of spirits. As the world melts together in societies and cultures, there is much we must process and assimilate to receive one another in a spirit of love, respect and peace.

You must do what brings out the best Spirit of Jesus in you and that makes you Spiritually productive! Healing is of God. Deliverance is from God. Salvation and joy is from God! Jesus' life in Scripture has proven to us that in His Word.

Ask the true Holy Spirit for His help. He is real and He will do it. Don't follow people but follow God.

And you are so right to ask for a witness from the Word of God. The answers are in there. He will give you what you need to really live and be prosperous in His Kingdom if you ask in sincere and unfeigned faith.

I hope that helps you.  "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty," but also "the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet."  God bless you greatly.

Love, Pam Clark