Today's Persecution

by Pam Clark

I don't know about you, or maybe I do, but I am finding a MAJOR PERSECUTION going on in the lives of true believers and it's so highly "spiritual." It's a fire that you seem to be able to do nothing about!

It's a fire like real fire, or fire ants, if you've ever been stung by them and I have, massively. It's a fire beyond just getting a burn from bumping into something hot, it's a fire that is evil, that is aimed and is meant to hurt and destroy you and damage you and burn you, and it is wicked and mean! It's beyond just a "dying to the flesh" fire.

Getting off of my own pity pot and reading the mail, I am finding a major shaking going on. People are going through all kinds of fire they can't control or do anything about! And all I can tell them is to stand on the Truth! (And I am NOT your guru prophet!)

And so I am going to have to do the same, but am realizing it is a major testing time. It's like there is nothing you can do about it, and when it gets like that, and you find it all over, all you can do it trust, and hold on to His Word.

I feel like I have been shaken silly, konked on the head, mugged, and I'm asking, "God, are You still there???" while I see stars everywhere and feel dizzy. It's like recoup and see what's left! It's just a major onslaught from the enemy!!!

I am hoping God has a very effective counter punch!!! I am tired of all these phoney preachers and don't want to turn into one that has to have a line (they made up) when the going gets tough! It's hype. No anointing. Intellect and no Spirit. And taught as the truth when it's not full truth!

There have been so many betrayals that right now, that people are suspicious of everyone and their motives. It's like every man for himself and no one trusts anyone. You can't even submit a prayer request without feeling like they don't really hear you or trust that you are worthy enough to pray for!

Their mind is weary after scrutinizing you from head to toe and they forgot what you even asked for prayer about! It's more like they are gathering information rather than caring, and you feel set up for the next hype that you know will not do you good!

It's a desperate kind of feeling. It's not the Body Life of Christ!

No one wants real holiness, it seems. No one wants to live for Christ. They just want their fix. It is all reduced to a formula.

But then they accuse you of being human, like "You have a need; how dare you! Aren't you supposed to be some super heroic superstar???"

Well, we are human!!! We do have some strength, but we are also not a pile of jelly (idiocy) (or money) for them to bottle up and put on their shelf for their own use! I don't think so!

It's just a shaking, I guess, to sort out the True Body. HURRY LORD!!!

I guess those with ulterior motives are being exposed. Where is the Love? I know it's there, but it's like it's not, yet I know it is! So God must be allowing this for a purpose. You know if you have lived right or not! I do!

I am getting highly suspicious of people who know the Holy Spirit for me! In the past, He has been well able to speak to me on His own. Now He seems to be hiding, and the devils are coming out in force with their [false] authority!

I think a MAJOR shaking is coming to the leadership of the Body of Christ and honestly, I welcome it! Too much has gone on too long and I am so tired of hearing people say, "If you really knew what was going on in certain ministries, you would be shocked!" And I am so tired of false accusations with no substance or power.

Well, I say "Bring it on!" It's real obvious something is not working right! I get lots of email and lots of prayer requests. You may say it's going fine for you, but I know this Body! I've been Spirit filled since 1976, a Christian church goer long before that, in active ministry since 1984, on the web for going on two years and I know how to read this Body and the times!

Perhaps it is Aichans with defiled goods holding us back. I have seen a lot of suspicious people making comments, and a lot of that is garbage. But maybe some is not. A true brother does not try to bring his other real brother down.

But if one persists in their evil, all you can do is turn them over to the enemy because they are working against the Body, or life. But that is after you genuinely tried to reach the person in love! Not by conspiracy!

Many people sense things in the air that are changing and are just trying to be self righteous. They act "authoritative." That's what the devil does! He uses people to speak with a false authority. There is always plenty of that, but right now they seem to have "a power," but I can tell you it won't last! It never does. They will be severely rebuked!

I am concerned that major leadership seems to have lost a grip on the truth. Well, perhaps it is just a shaking related to that! The enemy may be trying to get us to sin so we will lose out.

I tell you, honestly, I have been tempted to flake out. I feel like God has betrayed me but I know He hasn't! He cannot!

Preachers who are preaching each others words are getting found out and there is a real spirit of confusion among them. I have not issued a newsletter in a while, as much as I have wanted to.

At first, I just held back at the direction of the Lord and found it very interesting that others felt to hold back as well, but now I can see that my hand is being stayed back by the Lord. I am having conversations, but only with those I KNOW to be walking in Truth.

It is making the enemy furious! I get angry, cutting, and judgmental remarks! Some who were silent, I began to think were angry with me, too, but they are not!

If you are going through a fire that you seem to have no control over, my advice to you is to cry out with all your heart for the God of Justice! If you are Godly, THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT!!! Inside of you there is an "Abba Father!" cry!

Too many sinners have been crying out for "mercy!" and getting away with murder and thereby increasing it. More and more innocent lives will be judged and damned by unGodly influences. It's right in front of your face every day!

God does love and has much grace but He CANNOT rule unjustly--He just cannot! It would disorder the Kingdom and He does not work that way--He is sure and eternal--a tried and sure foundation!

Many have head knowledge but God works by the heart. Let Him see your heart right now during this persecution. Don't let the unjust go free. That does not mean you play the Judge, but tell it like it is to the One who knows and hears and is apparently really listening right now!

God will test you to see your heart. He will then act upon that. What kind of future do you want? All this slipping and sliding sleezy greasy "christianity" or a God Who hears and answers prayer?

I am TIRED of not hearing Him corporately. I am tired of not seeing Him act when I know He can and will! I don't care how you accuse me! I know the rules, the Law, the Commandments, and I know how hard I have tried to keep them in the face of persecution.

"The foundation of the Lord is sure, having this seal, 'The Lord KNOWS them that are His'! and, "Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity." (II Timothy 2:19)