Flesh Releasing Anointing

by Prophetess Pam Clark

    Have you ever felt that people take advantage of a good thing? It doesn’t seem hard for human nature to do! One of the prominent teachings going around now is the need to die to the flesh so that the life of Christ can come forth.

    This is Biblical, and a wonderful help for understanding how to live the Christian life successfully, but as with so many other things, it becomes something that is used to take advantage of people.

    As with the shepherding movement (where it was said you have to have people in authority over you to confirm everything you do in the Lord), to the giving movement (where you must give and give, even to your last dime to get and let your babies go hungry while the wealthy minister receives)--it can get out of balance and you lose not only good God-given common sense, but also the Spirit blessing (anointing) of the Lord!

    I could say people just want a quick fix, but how many times have you heard that? Probably a hundred million. Those type of put down statements get old after a while when you are trying to get it right!

    People do look for the easier way. Riches are better than poverty, comfort is better than suffering, well is better than sick. That is common sense! We should pray for a revival of it in the Church!

    The honor that suffering brings is standing as a witness for the Gospel. It’s not that you are poor and so you are Godly. It’s not that you are are sick and so you are closer to God--most of the time if you are sick, your thinking is not that great! Give me a break!

    There are teachings that get out of control. We do have a few ministers who can explain that Jesus didn’t really mean to literally pluck out your eye or cut off your arm if it causes you to sin. And even fewer who can explain that turning the other cheek does not mean that you literally hand the earth and the fullness thereof over to Satan! But people live that way! And it does not honor God!!!

    Now the popular teaching is dying to the flesh. It’s another form of Satan wanting you to take the bait of believing a false doctrine as being of God. There is a spirit that wants to control you and hold you back from the resurrection life power of Jesus.

    You need to give a test to the doctrines and teachings that come your way. And the test God gave us was: Did Jesus Christ come in the flesh? Yes, He did, but just what does that mean???

    It means that flesh can have life. In the English language we have a problem with the word “flesh” because in one passage we are to love and cherish our “flesh” and in another passage we are to crucify and kill our “flesh.” May you receive common sense to discern the difference I am speaking of here!

    Jesus Christ coming in the flesh means that you can live the Spirit empowered life that He did. Jesus set aside His glory as God and became as we are. The works that He did, He did by receiving the same Holy Spirit willingly given that is available to us.

    Because Jesus was the Son of the Living God, He knew no sin and therefore His example is so much more pure than would be ours. That is His honor, to be our perfect example, but we still can partake a great portion of this.

    Some people’s idea of “dying to the flesh,” is that you have no life. If you peep, murmur or complain, you are in sin. (Here is another doctrine that can get out of balance!)

    Maybe what you are complaining about is a right thing! Why would God give us the First Commandment--that Jesus affirmed as the greatest along with love--to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength? If you are to die all the time, why do you need strength?

    The problem as I see it is that people are dying but Christ isn’t living in them! If He were, then I would say the doctrine is pure, because I can see Christ, but too often now, I can’t! It has become a controlling mechanism to quench the Spirit.

    Love in Christ is not blind. Jesus said “Blessed are your eyes, for they SEE and blessed are your ears, for the HEAR.” Love that hardly notices when someone does it wrong is grace offered by an understanding, not the life of a fool.

    Are the people who are telling you to die to the flesh allowing you to express the Christ life power that changes lives and circumstances around you? Or is it just taught to make you conform to the rest of the group so someone else (besides Jesus) is exalted and in charge?

    The reason the shepherding movement was wrong and the reason God did not want Israel to have a man for a king was because He wanted us all to live in a fullness of life that enables and empowers each other. You retain your dignity while being allowed to develop in your God given powers and abilities and you become a power community together in unity. He calls it being kings and priests unto Him.

    The Scripture says that all things should be done decently and in order and that word of God facilitates His empowering work. Are you fulfilled? Is your life free in Christ? Are you making a difference to those around you? If so, you are doing alright, but many are not. The Good News is you can have a Christ filled dynamic life. Just believe the Truth. He will make you free.

    I love you, Pam