The Holy Spirit can speak through the young and old alike.
This powerful word of the Lord was given through Jennifer Burlingame
who is 13 years old.

Do not Go about War as the World. . . .

Prophecy to Jennifer Burlingame 4/23/97

"Do not go about war as the world does for I've given you weapons that the people of the world know not of.

You are equipped with My Holy Word as a sword and with My faith as your shield. Clothe yourself in My armor and do not fear for I will go with you every step of the way.

Do not feel abandoned, for I Am the same God forever.

You may not comprehend this because you have known no such thing. The entire human race is corrupted in sin and the blood of Jesus is the only way to know the Father.

I am here to comfort you in your time of need and strengthen you in your time of need, for the power of the Almighty is unmeasurable, His love unconditional, and His mercy and grace have no limit.

I am Love and without Love you can be nothing. With Love you can do all things. My anointing is given to you as a gift to enable you to do the supernatural.

It IS a gift and can NOT be bought, sold, or bartered. No one is "more of a Christian" or "more spiritual" because they have My anointing because it is free for the asking.

My way is a way full of Love and Joy. Just ask and you will be equipped with My anointing to go out and change the lives of the People around you.

With My anointing you will be able to do works beyond the comprehension of your minds. The sick will be healed, the lame will walk, and the demon possessed will be set free to walk with Me."

Prophecy from Jennifer Burlingame 4/23/97