I have seen that one of the things we have done is to try and bring God down to our level. His intention was and still is to bring us up to His level. He is HOLY and we have failed as a Church (Body) to become as He is. I see this as ONE of the major stones laying in our path to revival. We must be crushed on that stone or it will crush us.
It has been a year of watching the Church struggle with the next step in Revival--and that is allowing the Prophets and the Apostles to return to the Body and do what they were designed to do. The five Fold ministry was set by God to make mature Saints out of converts. It can not function as it was meant to do until the control thing is laid aside.
I have seen this past year as many Pastors hanging onto control as there were Prophets and Apostles who were trying to take control. This whole thing is not about control, but raising up men and women to be whatever God has called them to be. As long as we are caught in the mess of controversy about who has control we can never work together as we were meant to. We are like a one legged man trying to walk without a crutch. We are continually falling down from lack of support. We must learn to come together and be one, without any agenda other than the Lord's. Until we do, Revival will tarry or we will miss it altogether...
Locally, I believe our church has missed the revival that God was calling us into. We have had some wonderful times of refreshing and times of healing and times of simply wallowing in the river. God called us out of the river to take some high ground. The Pastor was afraid to go to places he had never been before, and we missed the call. As a prophet, I told him what the Lord was saying and he admitted his failing in fear of new things, but he still refused to follow the Lord.
So what next ?? This has happened twice at this church over the past 3 1/2 years and each time when we did not follow the Lord, His Spirit was grieved and He left for a time. I believe He is doing that again now, not only here but all over the land in every place that has heard the call and has not answered.
I believe that we are entering a time when we will need all the Ministries just to survive what lays ahead. We can no longer afford to allow little things to separate us from one another, we must come together and work together as one.
"You will know they are Mine, because of their love for one another." It is my prayer that the time has come for us to lay down what WE perceive as differences and get on with God's work as HE wants it to be done.
In the Love and the Care of Jesus,