by Pam Clark

I was at a meeting the other day at a ministry I liked, but then something happened in the way they took the offering that grieved my spirit. There was a real check in my spirit at the second offering taken during this service and for once, I did not give in to the appeal.

I love to give and it is hard for me not to if I have something to give and I think it is a worthy cause. But the way an offering is taken and how we respond is very important in the eyes of God.

Personally, I do not like second offerings in a service if you are not told ahead of time - especially with a guest speaker and you think you are giving to the guest and it turns out the second offering is for the guest and the first was for the church!

Often second offerings seem like a ploy to just get more money out of you as if you did not do it right the first time they appealed. Some second offerings are ok because it does speak of a worthy cause and they are not seen as a ploy but as a free will offering without compulsion. But when there is manipulation, I really have a hard time with it.

Anyone who is really a Christian will have the heart to give. It is just a sign of the nature of Christ resident within them. God so loved the world that He gave. If we have no desire to give of our time, talents, money and abilities for the Gospel’s sake, then we really need to discern if we have had the genuine experience of salvation. Salvation is more than just head knowledge--it is heart knowledge of God’s Spirit within.

At this particular meeting, the only way people could get prayed for was if they were giving something and of course there was the promise of a miracle from God if they gave. I believe that God does give to us in response to our giving as it moves His Heart when He sees His reflection in us and He blesses that.

I wasn’t able to stay the whole service, so maybe they did pray for others, but as I considered it the next day, the Lord showed me several categories for why we give and this increased my ability to discern what is the right motive, at least for me, in giving.

1. FAITH - I asked myself what made me respond in such a way that made me want to give and I realized that one reason I responded to appeals was because my faith was increasing by the Word being preached. When I gave in response to this, the only person I saw in my mind and spirit was God. I had received something and wanted to confirm it to Him with my offering. God looks at the heart and sees my faith reaching out to Him.

2. COMPASSION - Another reason many people give is compassion. There is a need presented and our hearts are moved to meet the need. This is an area where there is misuse in the world and sometimes in the churches and when it is can spoil the organization or the church or ministry and bring reproach. This is one reason why we should pray over what we should give. Even if we are “taken” we must know that God sees our hearts and will honor our intention. Woe to us if we don't give to needs when we can, but as we mature, we should have and are held accountable for greater discernment.

3. THANKS - Have you ever just been thankful that God has moved in your life? I have, many times. And so in response, I want to do something or give something. The Scripture says in Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” We can’t all be Superman, but we can offer to God our reasonable service. This is what He desires and requires. Doing this will make a big difference in our lives in peace and in joy.

4. OUTREACH - The Gospel is a good thing. It is not just a good thing, and good news, it is a great thing and great news! It sets the captive free, it delivers from hell and destructions. It saves lives and changes lives! People get healed! Others need to know this good news. God commands that we go and tell but in a true Christian, there is a desire for that, so another reason we give is because we want to see the Gospel go out to others. This outreach not only changes lives but societies and that makes an impact on our world for good. Outreach is a wonderful worthy cause for giving. And we ultimately benefit by it!

5. NEED - Sometimes I just have a need in my life. And when I do, I know that I need to get God’s attention. God cannot be manipulated, but He does respond to an action that speaks to him and giving is one of those things. There are MANY Bible examples for this in the Old and New Testament. When people gave, they often got something and it changed their lives for the better. It also got them out of troubles and set them on a course of redirection that was sorely needed. Many times I give because I need God to do something for me.

There may be other wonderful motivations for giving but our motives must be pure to receive from God. It’s not wrong to give to “get” if what we are getting is a better walk with God. God cares for us. He cares about our needs, wants and desires, but He also wants the development of our character.

He wants His children to grow up so they can become fruitful productive adults and partakers in the full divine inheritance. You can never go too deep in God. Certainly He wants us to maintain our sound mind, but He also likes a passionate hilarious giver. That does not mean you give the store away and go on welfare! But there is joy in knowing He receives our best gift and that He will honor a sacrifice more than just an offering that might just be dutiful.

As I said, if you are really a Christian, giving should come natural and we can grow in our strength for giving. Part of developing the strength for giving comes in the increased ability to receive without going wrong when the stuff comes in!

When it’s offering time and they ask you to pray, then pray and ask-- “What does God want me to give?” Greed will not bring increase into your life. I guess the last topic should be:

6. SPIRIT LED GIVING - Sometimes God just wants us to obey Him. He may tell us to give something or to do something, no questions asked. We may not understand, but we don’t need to. Spirit led giving comes through walking in faith. It’s not a do-it-yourself agenda. It is hearing the Voice of God in your spirit and obeying it. God will train you in this and give you discernment. He will give you witnesses that what you are doing is the correct thing.

When in doubt, use good sense. Still not sure? If it doesn’t hurt, test it out! Wisdom comes with risk, but if you ask for wisdom from God, He will give it, and as it says in the book of James, He "will give wisdom without upbraiding," or in other words, without fussing at you. Even if you make a mistake, He will see you through it and give you wisdom! And that wisdom will pay off in your future. God is a good God.

You are not likely to go too wrong if you are trying to apply the wisdom of the Word to your life. It is God’s desire to bless you, as it says in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for good and not for evil; they are plans to prosper you, to give you a future and a hope and a good expected end.” (paraphrased for full understanding).

When we give in an offering, we should be giving to God. It is not wrong to give to people if you know that is what you are doing. But we must be careful not to idol worship ourselves or another and say we are doing it in the Name of the Lord. Both the giver and receiver will be held accountable and God hates deceit.

I think we all do the best we can, and I just hope that we can all do better! We must have integrity in our finances. Anainias and Sapphira were killed for having an evil heart about finances. We must walk in the fear of God. You pray for me and I will pray for you, ok? It's not money that is the root of all evil, but the LOVE of money. God bless you! Jesus loves you.