by Pam Clark

Most people are excited about God's dealings in their lives because they anticipate positive changes. But there is only one way that we can really change for the positive and that is with the Word of God going deeply into our lives, permeating and displacing all that was there before!

There always seems to be new fads and new "revelations" and new "things" and we all eagerly look forward to what God might be doing, with many selling hard their "new thing from the Lord." But the proof is in the pudding, as they say, and that's a pretty good saying. Jesus said, "Look for the fruit. You will know them by their fruit."

In looking for fruit, I have found a lot of mixture, not only in others, but in my own life as well! So I am careful not to judge others too quickly, and I realize that the displacing process of change for the good and better takes time.

We have many "instant Christians" and "arrived judges" in the land. We have many "prophets" who have the whole picture, or who want you to enter into their journey of discerning, not considering yours! Really they are looking for you to take on their burdens as well, substituting you for the work of Jesus on the Cross.

"Here, you take my burden," they will say. But as the beloved Gospel song says, "Take your burdens to the Cross and leave them there." Jesus paid the price, not man, for man could not!

Jesus will bring about change in your life. This is a cause for great excitement. Much submission will bring much deliverance. But some things need to be formed in us. When Paul travails in prayer for us in Galatian 4:19, he says "My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you...", the word "form" there means "to shape or to change by adjustment of parts."

Some things we have already, but we just need to adjust them properly! Only God knows what He wants for His recreated work in us. Sometimes, and often when we see things coming together, we are ready to jump ahead in the Plan and work it out.

It's hard going from baby Christian, who is so eager and willing to be taught, to having knowledge and being mature and teachable, giving up our own ideas for His, for we too often try to take things into our own hands. We then need to sit under all these teachings about dying to the flesh because we won't give up our rights to run our own lives and acknowledge Him as the Creator.

You know it's great when two things come together and the effect of the two is greater than the two individual parts alone. Things can react and be a catalyst to something else causing a power force for change and even creation. If we adjust some things too quickly or improperly, we may not get the reactions and results that we ultimately want! God has arranged the Body/body as He sees fit.

So there are internal things that we need to become aware of in God's workings and dealings in our lives to bring Him all the glory and praise. But there are also external dealings that go even beyond our control and we must take dominion over these things as well in His Spirit. When people see a good thing going on, they often want to get in on it.

That's ok if there is room for it, but how many know you don't really want your mother in law going with you on your honeymoon? Some things are only appropriate for their seasons in their proper places.

That means that not every good work is meant for everybody at that particular moment and time. Oh it may be important to us, but is it God's Plan for the other person, and did He make you His and their advisor? Probably not!

God does all things by His Spirit and His Word. He takes His Word and forms things by His Spirit at His will and discretion. Oh, this can be so hard for us to submit to. But I also want to point out that there are outside forces that will seek to dominate you, and until you know how and become skilled with His Word, you cannot properly defeat and stop other agendas for your life!

When things seem to press in and go "Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!" you are probably missing God because His Word says, "He that believeth shall not make haste," yet many will tell you that what they tell you is of God. Is it?

Many will offer you a status quo for you to work for and attain, but is it God? Does it line up with the Word??? The peace, strength and character of God comes through His Word yeilded to His Spirit. Isn't that what we want, to be like Jesus in His abilities and strengths? He is trying to show us the way... He IS so wonderful!!!

Will we settle for something less? He said greater works than these shall we do because He goes to the Father. It's in coming together properly that we come into these greater works! They aren't our works, they are His. I heard someone say recently, "If we just got the former works, we would be happy! Blind eyes healed, the lame walking...." And I agree! But He said there was more!!!

Through Him we can overthrow corrupt governments and unGodly kingdoms. But it takes us working together in His Spirit. A little leaven leavens the whole lump. But we will attain if we stick with it.

When outside forces come in to direct your life, resist where you need to resist and trust God to bring about the change that you need. Make your stand and forcefully declare in the Spirit that you belong to Him and that you will accept no other way.

Know His Word through His Scriptures so that you will not be deceived. Trust His dealings with you for the better plan and way. Great things are in store! Have faith! You may be one tribulation away from your miracle!

God bless you!