By Pam Clark

Matthew 7:
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

At the rise of any new work in the Lord, whether it be through an individual or a movement, we must be aware that the enemy often sends a counterfeit manifestation or false anointing. As soon as the enemy becomes aware that God has moved forth into something new, the enemy comes immediately to derail it if he possibly can.

This would seem discouraging, except for the fact that God's move can really not be duplicated, and if allowed to come forth through pure vessels, will make great strides forward in the Kingdom of Light for the benefit of all His people, and it will be a set back for the kingdom of darkness.

We know that from what Moses taught about agreement: "One puts a thousand to flight, and two, ten thousand," and so the agreement works, exponentially! That is why the corporate anointing is so powerful and is one reason why the Lord admonishes us to not forsake the assemblying of ourselves together. To survive as a Body, we need this agreement!

As the prophetic movement comes forth, and then on its heels the apostolic, we can tell from Scripture that we must be on guard against false prophets and false apostles and teachers. If the true work of God can be discredited before it is fully birthed through an imitation or counterfeit, the enemy has won some time and souls.

A man sowed good wheat in his field, only to later find that tares had also been planted. When the servants noticed, they exclaimed to their Master. But the Master was discerning and told them, an enemy has done this. He advised them to wait until a certain maturity before making the separation because of the destruction that could be caused to the wheat. Because the root of good and evil had grown up together, great care had to be taken in separating the good wheat. How the Church needs to pray for patience and wisdom in dealing with the planting of the enemy. But how wicked is the Church who sees the appointed time and does nothing!

We can see today the rage of the psychics as God's "company of prophets" begins to take its place. What is "the company of prophets"? It is a group of prophetic people who hear His Voice, believe His Word, walk in His Spirit and carry His concerns as one in the Spirit of God walking in the world and church of today. Whether you have realized it or not, we have already "a company of pastors" and "a company of evangelists" and "a company of teachers"! The five fold Hand of the Lord is rising in the earth today to do mighty exploits under the direction of the Head Command through Godly supernatural submission in Him in the gifts of His Spirit.

Since we have been so warned to beware of such false things, I would like to submit a few things to watch out for, as I have seen and received many words, even on the internet and in churches, that did not come from the Spirit of God. Some are just learning and need to know better. Others are planted by the enemy.

We know that when we want to discern a cult from the true Body of Christ, we know to look to find the role that Jesus plays in the doctrine. Is He the Son of the Living God? Did He come in the flesh as God? Is Jesus God? We know if they deny the incarnation and divinity of Jesus, then it is a false religion.

So with that as our foundation, let us consider some other things to watch out for in discerning prophetic words. We must know how to separate correctly at the proper time.

First of all, where is the focus of the prophet? Is it on fear or salvation? There are a lot of "fear prophecies" that do not invoke a healthy fear of the Lord, but rather a fear of possible events.

Another thing they will tell you is that they alone identify with the pain of His suffering. How could you possibly know? They are prophets--only they could know--Wrong! We all experience pain and it's true some more than others. But it is not reserved for just the prophets.

The Word of God says "To who so ever will..." You will find satisfaction in the calling God has placed within you and we do not need to compare ourselves one with another to see if one has more than another, for we all have the measure to do God's good will, the measure of faith we need to bring it about and the potential to hear Him say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Maker!"

If the false prophet gets more dramatic, they will have "the word" of "judgment." Instead of it being a word of warning, stating the problem and the hope Jesus offers through repentance, it will be a word of anger and doom. This is a bitter spirit. They forget and do not realize that we are living AFTER the work of the Cross of Christ. The Law was (and is) our schoolmaster until faith comes, then we live by faith in the Son of God (read Galatians 3).

When Jesus cried, "It is finished," and died, the veil of the Temple was rent (torn supernaturally from top to bottom) that blocked the entrance to the Holy of Holies, and that was God's supernatural way of expressing that the work which was done by Jesus was accomplished, giving man access to God through His Blood. The shedding of blood is for the remission (or taking away) of sin so that man may approach God without fear and receive the help that he needs to live a holy and redeemed life. A false prophet will deny you that access.

Too often these "prophets" point to themselves or their words as "the way." You must wait on them for the next word. Jesus, as you should know, said He is the Way. If the prophets do not point you to Jesus, to His Word, and to His Holy Spirit, they are not of God. "To the Law (the Word) and to the Testimony (of Jesus), if they speak not according to this they are none of Mine!" He says. (See Isaiah 8:20) When the prophet points to himself or herself as having "the next word from God," it is a false prophet because they are turning people away from Jesus and His Word and His way to another Gospel or another person as a means for salvation.

Many will come saying "He is the Christ" and still yet deceive many. They do this by mixture. Something can be 90% true and 10% lies and it is what Jesus called leavened with unrighteousness. We see celebrities misquote Scripture all the time. They SEEM spiritual, but those who know the Word, see the error and deceit that leads people astray. And to miss God is to miss life!

Some venture into the psychic realm to predict events and this prediction is not prophecy. Prophecy points you to Jesus, not to happenings, especially of things past. If the prophecy unlocks the door of your past to your future, then it is valid prophecy, but "knowledge" for the sake of knowledge is not prophecy.

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (2 Cor. 3:17) Many false prophets (teachers or apostles) will bring people under their controlling spirit. Choice has been taken away and replaced with their rulership over the flock. God is no longer consulted, the leader now is. This is an abomination unto God because He died for personal relationship with the individual. Now another Savior has been set up and it is not Jesus. This is an idol that has been set up before the Lord and even worse is the one who would take the glory knowingly from the Lord. There is a difference in Godly discipline that teaches how to make the right choices and protects the flock, and domination that instills the fear of one person over another, and/or a laziness that denies God.

Not only does the baby lamb grow up into these things, but also the one who is called to minister to the flock. One cannot call oneself into the ministry. There are many who have and many do it with a good heart of good intention but are deceived. But that is like believing you can fly if you jump off of a highrise building. God has His own government and those who take unrighteous rule and make it their own will suffer.

But it will also hold true that the minister who does not perform his or her calling will not go unpunished. We were created to serve God. The called minister has been equipped by God to do it. It is not a choice. Just as Jonah did not get away from his responsibility, neither will the other called minister--whether they complain of hardship, preferences, lack of abilities, appearance, race, color or gender. If you are called, God has given you the wisdom to get the job done! Woe be unto those who cause the innocent to perish!

Another favorite tactic of the enemy is the "hurry up" spirit. They will tell you time is so short that you must give up your all "right now" for the sake of the Kingdom. Wisdom can go out the window. Wrong! Jesus said to "Occupy until He come." That means plant your crops and plan for your future because you do not know the day nor the hour He will come. It would be so much better if people would say that Jesus is coming suddenly, rather than saying He will come soon, because then they would not have the thinking that they could negotiate just before He shows up. He said He will come in a moment, in the twinkling (or blink) of an eye, and then that's it! I have seen people manipulated and extorted out of their life savings, food and even needed medical care because of this "hurry up" spirit. Be wise! True prophets, proclaim the true word!

God looks at the heart. We will all be victims to some measure or another, but the key secret ingredient is prayer. Even great leaders can miss it and be prayed back in. God has given us all what we need to make and attain our salvation if we will choose it. Living it may be easier for some than for others, but in the end God will take it all up in His Hands and bless those who minister and those who receive in righteousness and love and purity and truth. Do not fear the false prophet. God's ways will overcome. Just learn to discern.

God bless you,

Pam Clark