The Money Page

    One thing I have noticed in the Christian walk (or any other walk for that matter) is the need for the power of agreement. The Bible exhorts us not to forsake the assemblying of ourselves together as the manner of some is, for so we see that (evil) day approaching. This is our Apostle Paul's way of saying that we need each other!

    I don't know about you but one of my biggest areas of challenge is the area of finances. I have been blessed and I have been lacking and God is showing me that if we do not pull for each other in every area of our lives, we cut ourselves short in His blessings!

    So being inspired, and understanding that the power of words is extremely powerful, I want to dedicate this page to the well being of the BELIEVER in Jesus in the area of finances. Godly people will use their money the right way. Godly people will help others as the Lord leads. Godly people will not be "all for me and none for you" type of people.

    Sometimes we are limited in our Christian lives because we do not know that other people care and so we believe that others don't care (it's a trick of the devil) and therefore we have no faith in an area where we need it because words are not spoken.

    Sometimes actions are needed as well. There is nothing worse than a minister who will tell you "Believe! Believe!" and then he or she begs for money. Somehow you know if they are not strong in faith on that, they are not strong in other necessary areas, but yet they want YOU to give sacrificially to them (and you want to give to a good work) yet you feel that if you sow, you are sowing to a lower cause.

    When you give to weakness, if you are not strong, it does hurt your faith. This is where the enemy loves to come in with gossip because he knows that you will not give to something that would diminish you if you are thinking clearly.

    So that means that we must be SPIRIT LED in our giving! It is not wrong to be lacking in this area--not any more than any other area where we may need help. The wrong thing is when you have the money or Word of God that you need and you do not apply it properly by giving or speaking and sharing the Word properly.

    If you keep trying to live off of others and not walk in your own strength the correct way, you will find yourself handicapped. And if you know to do right and do it not (in God's eyes) you will be chastened and disciplined because whom God loves (His children), He corrects.

    That means that if God loves you, you may get a Spiritual spanking! But God does His discipline to make you a better person, not a lesser one.

    So that leads to the purpose of this page--we need to hear Godly exhortations from the Body of Christ. We need to love each other and build each other up in Godly exhorting. On the page counter below, you will see a box where it says to "Leave a Message." This is a new Guest Book that I would like to use for members of the Body of Christ to say positive words to one another, especially in the area of financial blessing.

    Some people try to be real "macho" in this area, but that is totally not in the will of God. Pride comes before a fall and those who are "high minded" in this area are either not saved or will fall from their arrogant position. This is just the way of the Lord.

    God wants His people to bless each other. He doesn't want them begging or poor mouthing or manipulating others for their needs. He wants His people living by faith, not by sympathy. When the Body of Christ knows what is right and wrong, and God sends material excess their way, then they will and should be quick to give to a right cause, as the Spirit of God leads them.

    Find someone to bless today.

    God Bless You!
