by Pam Clark

The Holy Spirit is being poured out from on High as it was prophesied for the last days. With that comes a greater revelation of God. It's exciting! It's wonderful! But at the same time, there is a battle going on for the souls of men. Many churches and groups start off good, but end up shipwrecked or misled into false doctrine. It is so important to know the Lord in Spirit and in Truth!

The Truth is Jesus, the Word made flesh, the son of man empowered by the Holy Spirit (Whose fruits can be found listed in Galatians 5, along with the list of the works of darkness.)

From the beginning, Satan has been subtle. He did not offer Eve and the man Adam with her a bold choice of right and wrong. He declared God's word untrue and appealed to their senses for a supposed "better" way.

As we come to understand with tears, the "better" way was really not better at all, but a tragedy. It needs to be understood that mankind can be, and is often, deceived. But Jehovah God, the LORD GOD, is still on the Throne, and all evil will be found out, exposed and ultimately judged.

It distresses me, and many others, when we hear of cults operating or beginning to form. I would like to share with you some things to look for in order to prevent the drastic results of broken lives and bondage, and cause deliverance to take place from cults and cultic influence.

A cult seeks to control an individual to gain power by manipulation. Some of the more extreme cases are known to have captured individuals by depriving them of food, using up their energy, and then brainwashing them by continual repetition of certain words or ideas. Some of these have actually involved tortures, but there are more common practices that lure and draw in the ignorant and unsuspecting.

The Apostle Paul said in his writings that we should not be ignorant of Satan's devices. (II Corinthians 2:11) Everybody wants a better world. There are spiritual forces at work in this world that make good living a struggle, if not impossible for some.

It is obvious that things could and should be better for many people, and as born-again Christians, we are to have a concern for these things. Cults can be very damaging to people and their families. Much heartache and psychological, emotional, physical and financial damage has been done because of cults.

Some things to look out for are:

(1) RULERSHIP - people who set themselves as an authority over people above the Word of God.

A cult always involves a leader and ideology that limits personal beliefs. The Bible declares "Choose ye this day whom you will serve." A cult offers you no choice.

The Word of God is not their authority, but the leader is in a cult. In a cult there is no real personal relationship with God; the leader(s) has dominion over your every activity and thought. Some church cell groups now are set up to where the individuals answer to another individual for their spiritual growth and approval.

This bypasses the work of the Holy Spirit of God. This usurps the authority of God (and is of the devil). Small groups are good for spiritual growth, but if the accountability is such that personal freedoms are lost, it is cultic.

If Scripture is used to limit personal and spiritual growth, it is not properly applied. Anyone who presents themselves as an authority above the Living Word of God, dictating to the lives of others rather than allowing for revelation, is in serious error. Jesus died to make you free. Man by himself could not do it.

Often times in cults Scripture is taken out of context. The whole counsel of God will set you free. This is not about the laws of the land that were set up for our mutual life benefit, but about those who would use spiritual control or domination rather than letting you hear God for yourself and move personally into the grace He offers.

If it is of God, it will prosper in the well being and peace of your soul. Some discipline is for good, but some has been used for unrighteous control.

(2) ENTICEMENTS --or "pie in the sky."

I'm not sure how that phrase originated but it implies a place where every need and want is met. People are titillated to believe the answer for their every desire is available here on earth if they would just do certain things.

For some it is an escape, for others it is a desire to fulfill their lusts. And most often, it contradicts the Word of God. Some refuse to live practical productive lives on earth; they just "wait for the coming of the Lord."

There IS fulfillment in Jesus Christ, but you grow stronger in your faith and Spiritual strength as you lay down your life for God and mankind, because God so loved the world! You are changed from glory to glory by fulfilling the two greatest commandments, that of loving God and your brother.

A cult, on the other hand, offers a fulfillment by a dissipation of life. In the cult, you lose your life, but you don't gain anything! In fact, you keep losing and do not gain the assurance of God's love or approval.

The enticements are lures that are used as devices to bring people in where they are told that service and gifts, not faith, is what offers them fulfillment and salvation. The Bible says we are saved through faith, not of works, lest any man should boast. ANY religion based on works could be considered a cult. It's a manipulation.

(3) MONEY - the use of your money.

Jesus stated that the root of all evil was the love of money. That "love of money" implies a soulish desire. Money is nothing more than a means of trade. The soulish desire that loves money wants to control the resources by which you need to live!

The Bible declares, "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." (Psalm 24:1) God has provided for His creation. He created the earth as a place for us to live with adequate provision. (Isaiah 45:18)

We live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, not man; for by the Word of God all things were created! "He that keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps." You are cared for by God at all times. He is your Parent.

The resources that come into your hand should honor God by choice, not by force. A pure heart honors God.

The tithe (10%) is required for "the storehouse," or the place where you get fed the Word of God, to sustain the ministers and their good works; but it should be given with a free spirit or it does not honor God. (One thing I've noticed, when you give to THE LORD, the Lord blesses you with revelation for living the abundant life. He is a good God. But if you give to a man, you get the man's reward. And that is not always there when you need it!)

(4) COMMUNICATION - who you can and can't talk to, and what you can or can't say.

We should be grateful to live in a country where we have the religious and political freedoms of free speech. Some groups and churches want to take that freedom away from you. We must guard and defend this freedom! It is a blessing. A cult will try to limit your communication. They will control who you speak to, listen to and what you read.

A cult will take away your choices. Many large denominations, as well as small groups, will tell people not to listen to certain others as a means of controlling them. Fear of the world is evil. We overcome the world by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony of our faith in Jesus as our God, not man.

Growth is good and comes by exposure to new things and can be handled in a Godly and spiritual way. You test the new things in your life by the Word and Spirit. For the Christian, all things are lawful, but not all things are helpful or beneficial. (I Corinthians 6:12) Your communication with God is your life! Knowing the Word of God is your protection.

(5) INTIMIDATION - the use of fear to control.

This is an either/or mentality which uses fear to manipulate. This strategy says: Either you do this or something terrible will happen to you. It's fear.

Chain letters have used this tactic, as well as religious groups and nations. Religious cults often use the fear of hell based on what man says and not what the Word of God says. Nations creating war for the purpose of dominating them use the fear of hell on earth. It's demonic and can be overcome.

My friend, call out to God for your defense, for your defense is in Him. He will deliver you if you cry out to Him. But you must know the truth (God's Holy Word) to be kept free.

The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into truth, but He will not force you into it. John 3:16 says who so ever chooses to believe in Jesus "would not perish but have everlasting life." Man does not set the agenda, God does, and He has promised to watch over His Word to keep it and perform it.

There is a logical fear based on natural circumstances and there is an emotional, irrational fear that paralyzes a person. If you fear God with that deep and reverential respect that is due Him, you will love Him for His care for you. And that love will give you joy which is your strength, and you will find your release and fulfillment in Him.

(6) EXCESSIVE DELIVERANCE - an off balanced focus.

People, in desiring to be right with God, are often times willing to go to great lengths to prove their love for the Lord. This motive is good, but sometimes people are taken advantage of by cults or cultic practices.

The Word of God washes us clean. And there is a ministry of deliverance of casting out the spirits that would keep people from receiving the knowledge of the love of God and would hinder their doing their best for Him. Some people, because of their or their family's practice and associations with the occult or evil spirits, may need a special pronounced deliverance.

ALL evil spirits are cast out and cast away by authority in the Name of Jesus. The more of God that is in you by His Word and Spirit, the less room there is for demonic spirits taking place in your life. Jesus wants you free. It is a warfare of standing up for God, but you can be free from oppressive demonic influence that harasses or hinders your life.

There are people who specialize in deliverance ministries, as others would specialize in grief recovery or family welfare assistance (food banks, clothing, financial aid, marriage counseling, and etc.) But it is irrational to think that every spiritual evil can be cast out (though it is a nice thought!) by humans, because the Bible states that the last works of Satan would be defeated by Jesus. (II Thessalonians 2)

There just comes a time when we must take up our cross and follow Him! Deliverance ministries are valid and good, but if all conversation revolves around demons, and demons are spoken to on a regular basis, it is off balance and wrong! It is wrong to converse with demons.

Oftentimes, this is a cult "in the Name of Jesus" but not doing His work, because more GLORY is given to demons than to Jesus as having power and dominion! This is very wrong, as Jesus addresses in Revelation 2:24. True ministries will focus on the glory of God, not the glory of Satan. Satan has been judged and is on death row. He is still capable of evil, but the judgment has been pronounced and is sure.

Beware people and groups that focus on demon activity more than what you can do for and with the Lord. Sin causes demonic activity to prevail and Jesus came to set us captives free from sin to live the abundant life. We all need saving, but do not be deceived! Cults will trap you by fear in this area. In Jesus you are free. You just have to believe! He said that.

To sum it all up, cults want to bind you. They want to control you by fear, manipulation, enticement and power. If you find yourself in a position of being in a cult or threatened by one, PRAY to get out! The true and living God will help you! So will many people. Ask God for help and direction for your life and He will give it. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is LIBERTY. Whom the Son (Christ Jesus) sets free, is FREE indeed.

Be free to love, to serve, to communicate and give, not by control or manipulation, but with a free will offering of CHOICE, from the heart, that pleases God and speaks of His Everlasting Love.

(c) Pam Clark Ministries, Box 3338 ~ Lancaster, SC 29721
Email pamclark@prophetic.net