Predictions for the Year 2000 by Pam Clark

Given January 4, 2000

As I noticed everyone else going for their words of the Lord, I decided I would too, not knowing if I would get anything but I did.

I submit this humbly and respectfully, giving honor to His Holy Word above all.

1. The year 2000 will be "a year of fireworks." The skies will be lit up. The New Year's celebrations we have just seen were symbolic and prophetic.

2. It will be a year of "apostasy and prayer."

3. There will also be "a spirit of mourning" "as for an only son" for the faith. People will be grieving for those who have turned away.

4. It will be a year for the "land of the free and home of the brave." Bravery will be an important commodity in holding onto our freedoms.

5. It will be "a year of the baby" (not sure exactly what that means) - but holding on to the preciousness of life. It will be going back to the "tender things", with values placed once again upon that. There was also a double meaning in that tender means tender and gentle and delicate, like a baby, but also as one who tends. I also saw baby clothes and heard the words "dress warm" as for cold times. I also saw a spit up towel which I think meant to allow for the mess ups, it's all ok.

6. I heard bells and sirens going. Alarms will be heard but I did not hear them as approaching dangers as much as for -warnings- of things to come. If we know what to do when we hear the alarm, we can respond appropriately and ward off the danger. In other words, take notice and respond. Be a people of timing.

7. If we are faithful, we can avoid war.

8. There will be increased holy worship, especially in the churches, but in the homes as well.

9. There will be a somber spirit as we enter into the year 2001. Many things will be changed. It will be quite the opposite of the revelry we experienced this New Year.

10. The Church will carry the hope, and the focus of the Church will be on the developing and building up of the Mid East.

11. The Mid East will have the attention of the world. There will be a cultural shift and change in the nations. Instead of the focus being on American ways, it will be on the contemporary Middle Eastern ways. Prosperity will come to the Mid East.

12. There will be clearer and more distinctive ministry paths. This is because they have been prayed through and walked through, and what works will be plainly seen.

13. There will be "a building excitement," a new hope, different from the hope today, especially toward the end of the year.

14. There will be a "felt nearness" of the Return of the Lord. Not so "imminent" as much as it is felt "close at hand."

15. There will be "increased distinctions" - and will be seen in the ministry; ministries will work together for the good of the whole. We will see more group ministries working together with other group ministries to get things done. More like kinds will have gathered together in unity in their functions. These coming togethers will be noticed more as well toward the end of the year. A "building momentum." That word also may have a double meaning with events in Israel.